Appleton Central
An alternative program designed to serve students in grades 6-12
Appleton Central is composed of a predominant credit recovery program, along with the GED Option #2 program, Dan Spalding Academy and the Community Learning Center.
Appleton Central’s trauma-informed and resilience-oriented programs emphasize hope, helping students redefine their engagement with school, progress toward graduation, and their self-worth through the site’s unique atmosphere and dedicated staff trained in varying areas of alternative education practices.
Appleton Central is a creative educational institution designed to serve students with problems that cannot be dealt with in a traditional school setting or their alternative education programs. It provides an alternative method of continuing learning in an atmosphere which is sensitive and suited to the development of the intellectual, physical, and social capabilities of our students. This is accomplished within an educational environment that is healthy, safe, trusting, caring and challenging.
Since 1996 the goal of Appleton Central has been to provide a small, flexible learning environment in order to re-engage students in the process of learning. Students are empowered to take ownership of their academic and personal lives and become a contributing member of society. Students referred to Central have experienced repeated academic failures leaving them significantly credit deficient and seriously jeopardizing their chance for a timely graduation. Central assists students in attaining graduation credit status and meet district and state standards while also working to address employability and social skills, behavioral issues, and mental/emotional health concerns.
Counseling services and the healthy foods nutrition program complement the academic offerings to meet the emotional and physical needs of students. Direct instruction in core subjects is partnered with technology-driven courses, and related work/volunteer experiences provide Central students with a well-rounded academic program geared towards graduation.
As members of Appleton Central, we believe each student can realize his or her potential when we: employ dynamic strategies to develop the intellectual, physical, social, and emotional capabilities of our students; provide ongoing, specific feedback on individual progress; empower students to actualize and maintain patterns of success.
Central Quick Links
To provide students with a unique environment and range of resources to achieve personal progress, including:
- academic achievement
- social and emotional growth
- improvement of health and well-being
Our vision for Appleton Central students is a student-centered environment that supports personal development and growth toward graduation and self-sufficiency skills for their post-high school lives.
Central Data & Facts
students graduated through Appleton Central in the 2023-24 school year
Grief Sensitive
Appleton Central is a New York's Life Grief Sensitive School. Staff are trained and committed to build a more robust culture of grief suport and resiliency to better support grieving students.
2022-23 graduation rate
chromebooks deployed and supported across the district
of voters supported our capital referendum
Contact Us
Phone: (920) 852-5590
Fax: (920) 852-5591
120 East Harris Street
Appleton, Wisconsin