Enrolling into Central
Students are referred for possible enrollment through one of the three attendance area Appleton high schools: Appleton East, West or North. Once referred administration from Appleton Central will contact the student and their parents/guardians to schedule an enrollment interview.
During the enrollment interview the family meets with Central staff to discuss program offerings, the commitment of the student and parent/guardian to seek positive changes, and jointly determine if enrollment at Central would be beneficial to the student. Enrollment in Central is generally voluntary. At times students are administratively placed at Central.
Enrollment is targeted at 104 students. Enrollment occurs prior to the beginning of each semester and is limited to space availability.
Parents and students seeking to attend Appleton Central should contact their student's attendance area school administrator, social worker, case manager or counselor to request consideration for enrollment.
Students may begin attending Central after they have completed the intake process. Students must report to student services at their attendance area high school to return all textbooks, pay any library or other fines, check out of PE lockers, pay school fee obligations, complete the “sign out” sheet with teacher signatures and return it to the office, and if required turn in their photo ID card.
Any Appleton Area School District student who meets one or more of the following criteria could be considered for a referral and possible placement at Appleton Central:
- Generally second semester sophomores or older
- Significantly credit deficient
- Motivated to alter behavioral patterns that have contributed to their credit deficiency
- Ability to earn elective credit through a work study / volunteer program
- Ability to earn credit utilizing computer based instructional courses
- Teen parents
- Mental health concerns
- Criminal thinking
- AODA concerns
- Academic delays