GPS Work-Based Learning
GPS Ed is certified by the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development so you’ll graduate with a youth apprenticeship certificate. All graduates earn a high school diploma from their home high school.
Jumpstart your career through work-based learning! GPS Education Partners offers technical education and paid youth apprenticeships to high school juniors and seniors. You’ll be spending part of your day doing hands-on learning projects in a smaller classroom setting at our education center and the other part getting real-world work experience by working directly with one of our business partners.
Through on-the-job training, students are able to gain mastery in the technical skills needed to prepare them for meaningful, productive careers. Paired with lessons, projects and classroom activities, students are also taught valuable life skills such as budgeting and money management, while growing soft skills such as teamwork, creative thinking and self-awareness. These character and leadership skills prepare students for lifelong success in and out of work.
There are three different options for students joining the program. Students who begin the fall of their junior year will attend consecutively for two years and end the program in June of their senior year. A second option is to join in January of the student’s junior year, to complete a one year and a half program. The last option is for students to join a one-year experience during the fall semester of their senior year.
What is an Education Center?
An Education Center is a classroom typically located within the facilities of our business partners where students will do most of their academic learning for the day.
Each Education Center has a number of school districts that will send us students and a number of businesses where students will do their work experience.
AASD students attend at:
Menasha Packaging Company - Fox Cities
2255 Brooks Ave, Neenah, WI 54956
Appleton Area School District
Kimberly School District
Menasha Joint School District
Atlas Tag & Label
Bergstrom Automotive
Ducommun Inc.
Gulfstream Aerospace
ITU AbsorbTech Inc.
JBC Machine
Kurz Industrial Solutions
Maxcess International
Menasha Packaging Co.
Multi-Color Corporation (MCC)
Muza Metal Products
Omni Glass & Paint, LLC
Van Zeeland Manufacturing
Warehouse Specialists Inc. (WSI)