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Higher Ground

The Higher Ground Program offers an alternative pathway for 11th and 12th-grade students who are credit-deficient, providing a flexible and accelerated route to earn a high school diploma. This program emphasizes vocational readiness and combines adaptable instruction with employment opportunities. The Higher Ground Program is housed in the Morgan Building.

Program Goal

The goal of the Higher Ground Program is to offer students a chance to earn their high school diploma through personalized and flexible instruction. The program also aims to equip students with the academic, vocational, and social/behavioral skills necessary to graduate from high school and secure competitive employment or volunteer opportunities.

At-Risk Criteria

The program primarily serves 11th and 12th-grade students who are at risk of not completing high school due to:

  • Credit deficiency
  • Truancy
  • Lack of motivation
  • Difficulty relating to authority
  • Health concerns
  • Academic challenges

It is designed for students needing more intensive intervention than what their home high school’s at-risk program can provide.

Access to the Program

To access the Higher Ground Program:

  1. Complete the application process.
  2. An IEP team, including the student and/or parent, must determine eligibility.
  3. Designated school personnel will make recommendations, assess if the student meets the criteria, and coordinate the necessary contacts, materials, and resources.