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Quest is an alternative educational program that provides at-risk students with an opportunity to earn a high school diploma or high school equivalency diploma (HSED). The program, offered through Fox Valley Technical College, is available to both special education and regular education students.

In accordance with Wisconsin Statute 118.15, the Quest program (Alternative High School) is for students age 16 and older who are at risk of not graduating. Quest is a competency-based, self-paced program for students for whom traditional high school has not proven satisfactory. Students attend Quest through a financial contract between their high school and Fox Valley Technical College, and remain on their high school roles.

Program Goals

To provide students with an alternative educational setting to work toward a high school diploma or HSED.

At-Risk Criteria

  • One or more years behind age group in number of credits attained, or two or more years behind age group in basic skill levels and
  • One or more of the following: Dropout, Habitual Truant, Parent, or Adjudicated Delinquent.

Mandated Students

  • 16 yrs. or older and at-risk, and working toward a high school diploma from home school
  • 17 yrs. old and started HSED in correctional facility

Permissive Students

  • 17 yrs. old and working toward HSED

Access to Program

  1. Referral to Building Consultation Team (BCT)

  2. Student's counselor determines if student meets criteria

  3. BCT and building administrator approval required for permissive students who are not receiving special education

  4. BCT, IEP Team and Special Education Coordinator approval required for permissive students receiving special education (note: FVTC should be represented at IEP)

  5. Counselor coordinates the necessary paperwork

  6. Contract forward to Administrative Center for approval

  7. Students placed in the QUEST program remain the responsibility of their home school and case manager

  8. Students working toward a high school diploma graduate from their home school


High school students should contact their high school counselor with questions about the Quest program.

High school staff, please contact Colette Kolb, FVTC Associate Dean, General Studies, via email or at (920) 735-5692.