Whole Grade Acceleration (K-6)
In the Appleton Area School District, we believe that all students can learn at high levels when we provide high-quality instruction. Academic programs, student services, and a Multi-Leveled System of Support create learning environments that maintain and communicate high expectations, foster a sense of belonging, and develop and maintain strong community and home-school connections. These systems ensure every student has knowledge, skills, and individualized interventions and enrichment opportunities that they need to make progress in the curriculum. Whole Grade Acceleration decisions shall be made in the context of the Appleton Area School District vision and mission under the guidance and programming standards of the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction for students with gifts and talents and the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC).
In order to provide access to appropriate programming for advanced learners and in reflection of the Wisconsin DPI Continuum of Services for students with gifts and talents, Whole Grade Acceleration for grade K-6 shall be considered in the Appleton Area School District in accordance with the procedure outlined in this document. The consideration process may be initiated at any point in the school year.
- The Whole Grade Acceleration Request for Consideration form is submitted to the building principal by the parent/guardian, teacher, or principal on behalf of the student.
- Once the written request for consideration is submitted, the building principal will contact the Talented and Gifted (TAG) teacher or TAG coordinator (if there is not a TAG teacher assigned to the building). The parent/guardian and classroom teacher will be notified of the request. If the request is submitted by the teacher or principal, parent/guardian consent must be received to proceed with the review process.
- The TAG teacher will complete the Data Collection and Review Report through a review of the student’s cumulative folder, gathering of relevant data, and soliciting input from the current teacher(s), previous teacher(s), and parent/guardian(s).
- The TAG teacher will convene a team to review the Whole Grade Acceleration Request for Consideration and the initial data that has been collected on the Data Collection and Review Report. The review team will include the TAG teacher, building principal, current classroom teacher(s), and other staff members deemed appropriate to the needs of the student. The review team will determine if there is evidence to proceed with the consideration process, which will include further testing and data gathering.
- If the team determines that the consideration process SHOULD proceed, the TAG teacher and building principal will then meet with the parent/guardian, current classroom teacher, and student (if appropriate) to discuss the initial data collection and the desire to proceed to the next step in the review.
- If the team determines NOT to proceed, the TAG teacher and building principal will meet with the parent/guardian, current classroom teacher, and student (if appropriate) to discuss the initial data collection, the decision not to proceed with whole grade acceleration, and plan for strategies to meet the student’s learning needs at the current grade level. - If the team determines that the consideration process SHOULD proceed, the TAG teacher will complete the Iowa Acceleration Scale (IAS). The TAG teacher will inform the school psychologist of any additional IQ testing is needed.
- The review team, which will include the parent/guardian(s), will meet to review the IAS and any IQ testing) results, and the staff will make the determination if whole grade acceleration will be approved or not.
- If whole grade acceleration is deemed to be appropriate, the team will develop a building plan in the form of a DEP (Differentiated Education Plan). The TAG teacher will monitor the DEP building plan and will communicate with team members as needed. Review meetings will occur at transition points (such as parent/teacher conferences) or when requested.
- If the team determines NOT to accelerate, a plan for strategies to meet the student’s learning needs at the current grade level will be developed.
Please note, while the District retains ultimate discretion to make student acceleration decisions, school staff are expected to make reasonable efforts to involve the student's parent/guardian in the decision-making process in advance of making any final decision. If a student's parent/guardian disagrees with a District decision regarding the consideration for acceleration, the parent/guardian may submit a written request for reconsideration to the Superintendent or designee. The decision of the Superintendent or designee following such a request shall be final.
- Cov tsev kawm ntawv ib cheeb tsam hauv Appleton tej kev coj ua rau qhov uas xav kom cia nce qib kawm ntawv sai heev rau qib kawm (qib K-6)
- Distrito Escolar del Area de Appleton Procedimientos para consideración de aceleración de todo un grado (K-6)