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Title I

Title I funding aims to ensure that every child, regardless of their economic background, has a fair chance at receiving a quality education and achieving proficiency in state academic standards and assessments.

All AASD Title I schools provide school-wide programming. This provides your child with extra educational opportunities beyond the regular classroom.

Schools with a high number of low-income students receive extra funds to support their educational needs.

These funds have three main objectives:

  • Help every child receive a high quality education
  • Strengthen parent engagement
  • Provide professional development for allstaff within the Title I school

Title I, Part A of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) provides financial assistance to local educational agencies and schools with high numbers or high percentages of children from families at a low-income level to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic standards.

Federal funds are currently allocated through four statutory formulas that are based primarily on census poverty estimates and the cost of education within each state.

In Appleton, Title I instruction primarily focuses on English Language Arts (ELA) and math for elementary students, with additional support for four preschool classes based on preschool screening eligibility.

Title I Programs offer

  • Smaller classes or instructional spaces
  • Additional highly-qualified teachers/paraprofessionals
  • Additional instructional time/materials
  • A variety of teaching methods tosupplement regular classroominstruction and individualized

Private schools collectively allocate funds to support a teacher who dedicates time each week to assist identified students, including homeless elementary students in non-Title I schools, with supplementary instruction.

Yearly assessments, based on test data and input from classroom teachers, confirm the focus and identification of students requiring assistance.

  • Any student needing support is eligible to receive services from the Title I teacher within a designated Title I building or attendance area.
  • Private school students identified as needing instruction must reside in the attendance area of a Title I public school.
  • A comprehensive "Needs Assessment" is conducted across the school to pinpoint students in need of additional assistance in specific subject areas.
  • Instruction and assessment are ongoing, with monitoring at various levels including school, district, state, and federal levels through the Wisconsin Student Assessment System data. District assessments and informal measures also track progress.
Title I Programming Badge

 Title I Schools

  • Appleton Bilingual School
  • Badger
  • Columbus
  • Dunlap
  • Edison
  • Foster
  • Franklin
  • Jefferson
  • Johnston
  • Highlands
  • Horizons
  • McKinley
  • Richmond

Why is parent engagement important?

Parents can influence their children’s education more than any other teacher or school. Parent Engagement can boost children’s achievement.
By taking an active role in school, parents show their children that they are valued and that education is important.

Children learn that parents and the school are a team, working together to help them succeed.

How can parents get involved?

  • Join your Parent Network.
  • Attend parent/teacher conferences.
  • Communicate with your Title I Teacher.
  • Attend Parent/Family Events specific toTitle I.
  • Attend school events.
  • Participate in field trips, classactivities, and projects.
  • Volunteer in the school.
  • Talk with your child about homeworkand assignments.
  • Read daily at home with your child.


Anne Marie Werley-Gonzalez
Coordinator of Title I, II, Staff Development, Educator Effectiveness, and Even Start Family Literacy
(920) 832-6321

Title I Administrative Assistant
(920) 832-6140