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Title I Preschool

Title I Preschool is federally funded program for three-year-olds who would benefit from an early start in school. Children are considered for the program based on the 3-5 Year Old Developmental Screening.

Preschoolers must be three by September 1.  

A need must exist in at least one of these areas:

  • English language development
  • Social/emotional development
  • Large muscle coordination: (eg jumping or hopping, etc.)
  • Fine motor coordination: (e.g. cutting or drawing)
  • Academic needs

Note: Students living within Title I school attendance areas are given priority. Classes are then filled on the basis of need. 

Class Activities

  • Your child will be involved in a variety of activities:
  • Art
  • Building and problem solving
  • Dramatic play
  • Conversation and expressive language activities
  • Computer Learning centers
  • Literacy activities
  • Music/Movement

These activities help prepare your child for 4K and Kindergarten. Appleton Area School District's Birth to Five Curriculum and the Wisconsin State Early Learning Standards provide the basis for all lessons and activities. 

Highly-Qualified Staff includes:

  • Certified four-year degree preschool teacher
  • ESSA certified paraprofessional
  • ESSA certified interpreter

Note: Calendars and schedules follow the Appleton Area School District Public Schools calendar. 


Morning and afternoon classes are available Monday Thursday. Class size is limited to 15 students.


AASD Title I Coordinator
(920) 832-6321

Title I Administrative Assistant
(920) 832-6140