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Occupational Therapy

An occupational therapist (OT) in the school setting supports a student’s ability to participate in daily school activities or “occupations.”  

OTs work closely with educational staff, parents and community providers to identify and modify challenges that students face throughout their school day. 

In the school setting, OTs work as a related service. OTs can work as a direct or consultative service to support the student/team by providing knowledge and support related to the student's specific needs and goals that affect the student’s ability to participate in the school environment.

OTs may support students by providing interventions for skill advancement, compensatory strategies, equipment and environmental adaptations, and activity modifications to maximize the student’s independence. 

Some areas in which occupational therapists help support students include:

  • Fine Motor: holding writing tools and other small objects, manipulating toys

  • Visual Motor: printing, drawing, coloring, cutting with scissors

  • Self-Care: putting on outerwear, feeding, opening food packaging, following routines 

  • Sensory: responses to sensory inputs; differences impacting school participation 

  • Strength/Endurance: manipulating materials, sustaining body positions, moving against gravity 

Who Can Get Occupational Therapy at School

Students who need special education might be able to get occupational therapy at school. If, during the meeting to make their special education plan (IEP), it is decided a student needs occupational therapy to reach their goals, the school will provide it.

School Therapy versus Clinic Therapy

Therapies provided in school for educational purposes are different from those in other places like hospitals or clinics. Therapy at school can't replace services you might get outside of school.  An example is feeding therapy.  Feeding therapy can help a child  broaden the types of food that he or she eats but it is provided outside of the school day. If a student needs occupational therapy at school, it's decided through the special education evaluation process, not from a doctor’s prescription.

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