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Physical Therapy

Understanding the Role of a School Physical Therapist
In schools, a physical therapist (PT) plays an important role in helping students participate in their daily routines and move around with as much independence as possible.

PTs work closely with teachers, parents, and others to find out what challenges students are facing. Some areas in which physical therapists help support students include:

  • Finding special tools or equipment to help improve their mobility
  • Changing activities so they can join in with their classmates.
  • Planning out how they can move around different parts of the school, like the playground, hallways, stairs, lunch room and classrooms

Who Can Get Physical Therapy at School
Students who need special education might be able to get physical therapy at school. If, during the meeting to make their special education plan (IEP), it is decided a student needs physical therapy to reach their goals, the school will provide it.

School Therapy versus Clinic Therapy
Therapies provided in school for educational purposes are different from those in other places like hospitals or clinics. Therapy at school can't replace services you might get outside of school, like after a surgery or Botox injections. If a student needs physical therapy at school, it's decided through the special education evaluation process, not from a doctor’s prescription.