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Transition Services

When a student has a personalized education plan (IEP) and is between 14 and 21 years old, the IEP must include a Transition Plan. This plan focuses on the student's goals after high school, covering things like their job plans, education or training goals, and if applicable, their plans for independent living.

In the Transition Plan, it's outlined what the student needs to learn to achieve their goals, how and when they'll be taught or gain experience, and who will support their learning now and in the future.

It's important to note that the Transition Plan doesn't replace the Academic and Career Plan (ACP) that all students complete during secondary education. However, the information from both plans can be used to help the student.

The Transition Plan in the IEP, also known as the "I-8 page" or "Postsecondary Transition Plan (PTP)" in Wisconsin, should be reviewed yearly and adjusted as necessary, just like the IEP.

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