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Student Services

We are a district-wide team of professional educators and support personnel dedicated to the success of all students in the Appleton Area School District.

We provide a wide range of instructional and support services, including special education and related services for students with disabilities.   

Our Mission

The Student Services Department's mission is to graduate responsible, informed and independent students fully prepared to meet the challenges they seek after high school based on their individual strengths, abilities and interests.

To accomplish this mission, we value and will develop and support:
  • Learning communities that challenge all students to reach their potential;
  • Learning communities that actively encourage student involvement, life-long learning, and healthy lifestyle choices;
  • Learning communities that develop independence, active problem solving, and self-determination;
  • Highly qualified personnel that recognize and respond to the individual needs of all students;
  • Highly qualified personnel that serve as advocates and exhibit care for all students;
  • Culturally responsive practices that provide educational equity and encourage excellence for all students;
  • Community partnerships that maximize outcomes for students;
  • High quality professional development that inspires best practices; and
  • Parents that feel welcome and valued as partners in the education of their children.