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Teacher Licensing

The Educator Licensing Online (ELO) system is now accepting applications for license renewals. Click here and follow the steps listed to renew your license.

PLEASE NOTE: DPI no longer mails you a copy of your license. The District is not notified when a license is renewed, therefore; you must either email a copy or mail a printed copy of your renewed license to Human Resources. Emailed copies should be sent to Trisha Lange.

If your intent is not to renew one or more of your certifications, please notify Human Resources as soon as possible.    

As an Educator your individual contract reads: “The contract is in effect only if the teacher named above provides Personnel Services with the proper certification from the State Department of Public Instruction.

The Department of Public Instruction regulations requires a license to teach in the State of Wisconsin. Therefore, the District must have a current license on file for professional staff for the appropriate subjects taught, prior to the first day of the upcoming school year.   

If you have further questions regarding the process, please visit the DPI website


DPI License Forms
DPI approved programs
Out of State License Pathway

Please confirm with Human Resources before enrolling in a program.


Isabella Ledbury
(920) 852-5300 ext. 60076